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Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Kelowna, BC

¿Cómo tratamos los síntomas del aislamiento y la soledad que genera esta enfermedad? La mayor parte del tiempo estoy bien estando solo, pero luego ves una película LGBTQI y anhelas una conexión significativa con alguien con quien compartir mi vida. Tengo un par de muy buenos amigos que satisfacen la necesidad de salidas sociales. Esta enfermedad es hereditariamente aislante debido a las restricciones físicas que la acompañan. El aspecto emocional de estar "contaminado" dificulta la construcción… leer más

How do we treat the symptoms of the isolation and loneliness that this disease creates. Most of the time I am fine being on my own but then you see a LGBTQI film and you long for a meaningful connection with someone to share my life with. I have a couple of really good friends that fill the need for social outings. This disease is inheritantly isolating because of the physical restrictions that come with it. The emotional aspect of being "tainted" makes building relationships hard. Not… read more

21 de febrero de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Van, friend, thank you for your question. As I read through it, I realized the thought and history that you managed so eloquently to write down into words. What you have said and written is true. Having lost a best friend, several friends and family members and now my self inflicted with a virus, that has not seen a cure as of today. It's true the complications and the inflictions of the side effects do drain us socially mentally and spiritually. But we can never lose hope, for it is we, the elders, the mentors who must continue the fight for funding, clinical trials, social services, social and political affirmation of who We are. With the new medications of today, this new generation has not seen the grief and death that we saw back in the 70s and 80s and early 90s. I fight my loneliness in my own spirit, in my own safe place, so that when I venture outward I can show and share the life baton with others, either less fortunate or more fortunate than I. The younger generation needs us and we need them if we are to find a world free of HIV....🌈🌈🌈🌈💚💛🧡💜💖💙 Much love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I also belong to SAGE, it is a group for seniors with HIV also members in the LGBT community. Look for denominations of this group in your area 👍👍👍👍🌈🌈🌈❤️🤗

21 de febrero de 2020 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Being apart of the newer generation that’s battling HIV/Aids I appreciate the hurdles, fight, support and knowledge passed on. Y’all are never alone. Thank you

22 de febrero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Throughout the day, loneliness creeps into my mind, to combat that being alone feeling, I stop and think about how lucky I was to be loved for 28 years and 2 months by my late hubby, and to be so lucky to spend the last 19 years of his life with him almost 24 hours a day. Yes not only does this HIV group members, all live too far from each other, but our side effects from medications we take are different from one another. I find many of you out there beautifully attractive from within your heart, some ladies too. If I stay alone the rest of my life, I will accept the fact. I am happy where I Live, happy with my Health plan, and am happy to still be alive, but loneliness does creep into my life on a daily basis. You are not alone, big hugs to you all my friends who make my life a little easier to live.

21 de febrero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam I was doing OK when living in the city working with young males doing life coaching.
Living in a rural setting with a group of people that find pleasure in hours of malicious gossip isolated me further.
My best friend, his wife and closest friends live in Vancouver.
My love interest has been a friend first for 28 years and adopted a youth I volunteered with, both know my status but live in Saskatchewan.
The solitude creates stress to depression
I do not permit HIV to personally define me but that’s me fighting a population.

21 de febrero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

You have us🌈🌈👍🌈🤗❤️😃💖💜🧡💛👍

21 de febrero de 2020

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