¿Irías A Una Reunión Sobre VIH?
Would You Go To An HIV Get Together?
Si es posible, ¿te aventurarías a una reunión de camaradas VIH con ideas afines, ya sean aquellos que están aquí en línea o en un grupo de apoyo en tu área local? ¿Podría ser una barbacoa, un picnic o el patio trasero de alguien? ¿Asistirías?
If possible, would you venture to a gathering of like-minded HIV comrades whether it be those here online or in a support group in your local area? it could be a barbecue, a picnic or someone's backyard? Would you attend?
This was meant as a general idea🤗🤗🤗🌈🌈👍👍
Good morning family and friends. ❤️❤️❤️As everyone can see , there are over a hundred responses to this HIV get together. With such an interest , it's really a shame not to make this happen.👍👍👍🤗🤗😊 I wanted to pose a question out to my HIV family here. In the various cities and states, that we are all located in... , would it be possible for one Central person on the teams to organize a group within his/her City and or State? Just brainstorming here...😳😳😳😊 any other ideas are greatly appreciated. 👍👍👍❤️Many hugs🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍👍
Me encantaría tantear el terreno para ver si hay interés por aquí. Todavía me sorprende la poca actividad que veo aquí de parte de alguien de Nueva Orleans y sus alrededores. Sé que no es porque el VIH se haya saltado nuestra región.
I’d be happy to put out feelers to see if there’s interest down here. It still surprises me how little activity I see on here from anyone in New Orleans and surrounding areas. I know that it’s not because HIV skipped our region.
To all who answered my question. I want to thank you for your answers and know that it was a very very popular question and if I could I would fly each one of you to a gathering of our choice. Unfortunately , we all live in separate areas and the best we can do is amongst ourselves and around our communities,.. create our groups. I for one live in Illinois and will gladly welcome one🤗🤗🤗🌈 Much love and thank you once again 🌈🧡❤️💛💙💙💙😷🌈🙏🤗🌈
We are going to need a really looooong picnic table! 😃
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