¿Le Preocupa El COVID-19?
Are You Concerned About COVID-19?
Con la aparición de virus desconocidos como el COVID-19, ¿está más preocupado hoy que ayer por su infección por VIH y su salud? ¿Ha cambiado o agregado alguna medida?
With unfamiliar viruses like COVID- 19 surfacing, are you concerned more today than yesterday, regarding your HIV infection and health? Have you changed or added any measures?
I am just being really careful, I am just doing what has been told us HIV neg or pos just be aware and careful, and realize there is something very dangerous, be cautious and keep your self at a distance from the virus & people. Most importantly you are truly the only one to keep you safe.
God Bless Us All.
Jackie Bulczak/Circle of Hope
Well I'm not going to play the it might not affect me. My state and two other neighboring states have have lots of cases I've been following since the beginning. So I've been getting ready I've stocked up purchased lots of cases of water. Lots of cleaning Products and can food. So not if but when it comes ill be ready to stay home very comfortable and hopefully ride it out....
I am very concerned..as a Chef I wash and clean my hands very often anyways.. but I am going out of my way now even more to avoid any type of physical contact with others..I carry hand sanitizer..sanitizer wipes for handles etc..I am reading all available W.H.O article and from the CDC..I can find..but realistically this is going to get crazy by the uninformed population..don’t go by Facebook alone people..get your own knowledge not 2nd hand info..
I am a fighter!
Am I concerned? Yes I am concerned. Only for the fact that the people in charge are not concerned. Trump went to India and then canceled a trip to the CDC because of the virus, yeah I am concerned. Trump may be a germaphobe, and to be like him, don't touch things or shake hands, is quite impossible. Then Pense gets put in charge of the the whole virus thing and he finally admits there are not enough test kits for everyone and on top of that he is anti-science, is a real concern. While most scientists are concerned there is going to be wide spread outbreaks, the people in charge are saying that we will not be hit as hard as other countries. They say wash your hands, but if we have no clue how the virus spreads and pets can get get infected, and people can carry the virus and have no symptoms pass it to others; why should we not be concerned? The CDC has been stripped of most of it's doctors and scientists already and here we are with another pandemic and no one in the CDC to help do the necessary testing and search for a cure.
I know that there is going to be a time when I die, I also know that people cannot control death. I also know that people with compromised immune systems are at greater risk of dying from this virus. I am willing to do my part to stay safe, but; when I hear conflicting stories and news what can you do but be concerned for everyone, not just yourself.
Una Vez Aprobada Por La FDA Y Calificada En [[tratamiento:ensayos Clínicos:57e584896b4dcc06b50010d9]], ¿le Pediría A Su Médico Que Le Administrara La Vacuna Contra El Covid-19?
¿Cuántos De Nuestros Miembros Tuvieron Covid? @alberth232 Tiene Curiosidad Por Saberlo.
¿El Tratamiento Inyectable Actúa Sobre Los Riñones O Tiene Efectos A Largo Plazo Sobre Los Riñones O El Organismo En General?