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¿Estaría De Acuerdo Con Otro Mes De Refugio En El Lugar O Una Orden De Cuarentena?

Would You Agree To Another Month Of Shelter In Place Or Quarantine Order ?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Geneva, IL

Ya han pasado aproximadamente 3 semanas desde que la mayoría de los estados ordenaron la regla de quedarse en casa, ¿estaría de acuerdo con una extensión de esa orden durante el próximo mes aproximadamente? ¿Estaría de acuerdo con que sectores del país se abrieran paulatinamente? ¿Cómo le afectará esto personalmente?

Being about 3 weeks now that most States have ordered the shelter-in-place rule, would you agree to an extension of that order for the next month or so? Would you agree to sectors of the country to open gradually? How will this affect you personally?

13 de abril de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Please - (while i went to work every day) LOVED the clear roads, the lack of Noise, the fact that the planet was healing from lack of pollution (ok a lot less of it) it was actually a very calming experience for me - putting on a face covering not an issue rather NOT breathe your air, keeping 6ft away from everyone - again Not a problem ... if you can do 12 all the better ... did and do miss dinner with acquaintances-always out doors as we can only get together during the warm months ... prefer shopping on line ... not really sure where and why there were issues ...

22 de mayo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

There is a far larger issue than local policies. This is a Global Issue that has to have cooperation between all nations. It’s not the time for protectionism or political divide.
With so many countries investing in research, what happens when politics and petty pride put the population as a low priority.
I understand the need to reopen economies but is not human life more important than Wall Street?
North of the 49th Parallel, the Federal Government sets guidelines and at the same time realizes that each province and territory are individual entities and is working closely to respect that there are psychological issues that must be balanced with risks.
This weekend the Provincial Parks and nature trails have reopened with the safety protocols adhered to. At the same time visitors from other countries and provinces are required to self isolate for 2 weeks. That sucks because my partner is on the ranch in another province.
I had coffee respecting the 6’ separation with the provincial Head of Epidemiology this morning. China is the only country capable of manufacturing enough vaccines to distribute globally. There is an agreement between countries on extradition. Our national police arrested a Chinese woman and holding her for deportation to the US. So our farmers got hit in retaliation: The issue is her family owns a huge telecommunications company and the US State Department alleges it was trading with a black listed country with US trade embargoes. Not to be outdone with itchy fingers on Twitter one of the Canadian Government wrote something against the Saudi Kingdom and deplorable human rights. The King of Saudi Arabia threatened to pull all medical scholars home, Our Health authority feared losing 1000 Resident Doctors. Our Freedom Of Speech is wonderful until misguided thoughts are made into a national diplomatic nightmare.
Our reality In Canada will be a slow yet based on fact reopening. Our Minister of Finance first met with my past employers unions before rescue money to the National Carrier was offered.
I was chatting for a moment with the manager of the local coffee franchise about the difficulties of a non stop drive through with minimal staffing.Her comment was about how a coffee and donut drive through are worth the health of her employees. I bought her tulips and texted Her to check the back door.

3 de mayo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Staying safe is my outmost concern and everyone should be doing it regardless of how we feel about staying home. I will observe until the curve slows and still keep a safe practice with masks and hand washing

29 de abril de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It's too soon but to each their own .I'll listen to my docs and Governor before the Orange clown

16 de abril de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

If it means that the virus is defeated completely and we will return to 'normal', then a resounded yes!

13 de abril de 2020

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