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¿Las Personas Con VIH Con Niveles Altos De Cd4, Sin VL Y Que Toman Medicamentos Tienen Menos Posibilidades De Contraer Covid 19?

Do People With HIV Wiith High Cd4's, No VL, And On Meds Have Less Chance Of Getting Covid 19?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

En un artículo de POZ del 29 de abril, "¿Cuántas personas con VIH tienen probabilidades de contraer Covid 19"? Se analiza a todas las personas que se han hecho la prueba y un número sorprendentemente menor de casos son personas con VIH. Se supone que las personas con niveles altos de CD 4, sin carga viral y que toman antirretrovirales tienen una defensa más poderosa contra el virus. Si lee este artículo, encontrará que esto es cierto en Nueva York y en otras ciudades y países. Por supuesto, las… leer más

In an April 29 POZ article, "How many people with HIV are likely to get Covid 19"? it looks at all people that have been tested a surprisingly lower number of the cases are people with HIV. The assumption, persons with high CD 4,s, no viral load and on antiretroviirals have a more powerful defense to the virus. If you look at this aricle you will find this true in New York, other cities and countries. Of course people over 50 and those with underlying conditions may be more at risk. One… read more

10 de mayo de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

My doctor and most HIV specialists feel monitoring one's CD4% is the best indicator of immune response and therefore a predictor of how the Corona virus will impact u too.

CD4% is sometimes a more stable indication of whether there has been a change in the immune system. An unexpected drop in CD4 count when the percentage hasn’t changed indicates this drop is not clinically significant.

• A CD4% of 12-15% is about the same as a count of under 200 cells/mm3.
• A CD4% of 29% is about the same as a count of over 500 cells/mm3, but there is a wider range for higher values.
• The average normal CD4 percentage for someone who is HIV negative is about 40%.
• The normal range is anywhere from about 25% to 65%.

I'm fortunate that mine is typically 55% to 60% but that's probably because I started treatment while still sero-converting so my immune system was barely damaged 😛

Hope this helped. Luv u all 😘💋❤🧡💛💚💙💜


11 de mayo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

A good morning and thank you for your question. I myself have t cells less than 250 and viral load undetectable ....whether you have cancer, AIDS , are African American, heart disease, diabetes etc you're more prone because of pre-existing conditions , disabilities, and origin.. Please stay safe. 💙💚💛♥️💜🧡😊

11 de mayo de 2020 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam I in no way would say that link was giving medical advice. I think some people need to learn what is medical advice and what is not. I myself thank you for posting that link for those who may not receive the POZ magaizine or email newsletter they put out.. I wish I could help others out right now but all I can do is to pray for everyone and hope that no one from here gets the virus or die from it. My cd 4 count is currently at 986 at last count which was in Novemeber of last year. I am also undetectable. I have come a long ways from when I was first diagnosed my cd 4 count was 75 and my viral load was 79,000 and this was back in July of 2001.

11 de mayo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Wow TwinkEmoBoi I must say I am pleasantly surprised by how accurate your info is! I hope others on the site will get a chance to check your post out because you're definitely in the ballpark!

12 de mayo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hi @Un miembro de myHIVteam and thank you for bringing up this article. I saw it too and posted it 16 days ago but was hassled by one of the guys on here because I was ‘giving out medical advice’ for simply for posting a link to the article on Look through my posting history if you like to see for yourself.
Since that article came out I’ve not seen any other updates. I thought be now there would be enough science based evidence for that would either confirm or deny the idea of being on HIV meds would help or not.
There are other explanations for why HIV people might not be getting sick as much from coronavirus, such as we generally are more careful about our health.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam I have seen a few people die from Coronavirus who were HIV poz. A few hiv/gay/transgender rights advocates, But the articles did not say if they were on meds, had other serious health issues or what.
Still I’m cautiously optimistic, but I still do all the right things. Social distancing, hand washing etc.

11 de mayo de 2020

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