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Miembros reales de myHIVteam han publicado preguntas y respuestas que respaldan las pautas de nuestra comunidad y no deben tomarse como consejo médico. ¿Busca el contenido más reciente revisado médicamente por médicos y expertos? Visita nuestra sección de recursos.

¿Volverías A Refugiarte En El Lugar? ¿Te Has Adaptado A Esta Nueva Normalidad?

Would You Shelter Back In Place . Have You Adjusted To This New Normal?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Geneva, IL

Dado el aumento de las infecciones actuales por covid-19, existe una gran posibilidad de que los estados vuelvan a la etapa 3 de confinamiento en el lugar. Estás listo ?

Given the rise in current covid-19 infections, there is a strong possibility that states will revert to stage 3 of shelter-in-place. Are you ready ?

15 de julio de 2020 (edited)
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Wearing gloves may Not be worth it to You but until I see Scientific Proof That What you Say is true I’ll Wear them

25 de julio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

We’ve been self quarantined for the past four months. I enjoy working in the yard but the last several days, Houston, hit the 100 mark and with humidity, don’t ask. So I took up acrylic painting, never painted before in my life but totally into it, not any good but takes up time. Wearing a mask doesn’t infringe on your rights, you can go anywhere. It’s no different than, No shoes, no shirt, no service which very few people have a problem with.

20 de julio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam My dear Gabriel. I could not have put it any better. I thank our dear friend Hurting for serving our country but all of us on this group need to know that our HIV medications have nothing to do with the dangerous virus and they will not help treat the virus and we are as able as anyone else to end up dying if we get this virus. We have had people HIV positive who have died during that last few months. I know here in Michigan it is mandatory that we wear a mask when we are going into any business and you can be fined $500 if police are called because you are not wearing a mask inside any business or in a group of people even if that group is outside a mask is mandatory. Even a business who calls police because you are not wearing a mask and if that business has not gotten you to leave and go outside before police arrive, the business can be fined $1,000 for not getting you outside before their arrival. The sad thing is that a business did ask a customer to leave the store because he was not wearing a mask, he got really mad and ended up stabbing a customer who also asked him to put on a mask, he then left and police were called and ambulance for the guy who got stabbed. Police did find the guy who did the stabbing and refusing to wear a mask, he immediately got out of his car and went after the police officer and the police officer ended up having to shot the guy and he died before they got others to the scene. It is such a shame that this guy had to die all because he would not wear a mask as required by law here in Michigan.

17 de julio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam. when the solar panels generate electricity, the electricity gets stored into a battery (a battery is optional, but then the system runs different). When the battery gets full, the system then goes to powering anything that is running on the system. When the solar panels generate more power than what is being used, that unused power goes back to the power company, so they can sell it to someone else. The unused power that I send back to the grid is credited to my next electric bill. So in the summer when the days are longer, I generate more power than i use, those credits will help me through the winter when the sun is not out as long. As of right now, I am only generating about 40% of what I need. I didn't have enough money to install the entire system. I have all 30 panels I need, but only 12 right now are actually hooked up on the grid. That is enough to run my refrigerator, freezer, water heater, furnace, run 4 lights, charge 3 phones, charge 3 computers. So enough to get by in a power outage, but not run the entire house (for now).

27 de julio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I wear the mask to protect others as well as myself. The heat here in Georgia has gotten to me because of asthmatic issues. So until there is a break in this heat I can't go anywhere anyway.
No worries.

17 de julio de 2020

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