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¿Decírselo A Su Familia Ha Provocado Una Ruptura En Esa Relación?

Has Telling Your Family Caused A Breakdown Of That Relationship?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Kelowna, BC

He sido VIH durante 11 años y le dije a mi familia cuando estaba realmente enfermo al principio. Durante un par de años mis hermanos se preocuparon. La relación se ha deteriorado hasta la incomunicación. Lo atribuyo a que recuperé mi poder y dije no, "no voy a soportarlo más". Extraño a mis hermanos pero me tratan como si no existiera. Obviamente no tienen idea de lo que es vivir con una enfermedad perpetua con mayores posibilidades de sufrir una enfermedad secundaria. Vivo con el temor… leer más

I have been HIV for 11 years and told my family when I was really sick at the beginning. For a couple of years my siblings cared. The relationship has deteriorated to non communication. I attrirbite that to my taking back my power and saying no "I'm not going to take it anymore". I miss my siblings but they treat me as if I don't exist. Obviously they have no idea what it is to be living with a perpetual illness with the greater chances of secondary illness. I live in constant fear that… read more

15 de agosto de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

What happened happened with me was my 'illness' became a topic of immunity gossip as my father chose to discuss it with a group of people I do not care to know. It's I,possible to live a full enriched life as the small community has no knpwledge of the condition that is of my concern only.
In went to coffee with a cousin to get an email that as I has AIDS I mightinfect her husband. That cousin is an RN,
To amplify the issues is a once friend broadcast it nation wide so there is no safe zone.
When out of critical then my life long friend appeared. 'I don't believe that discussing any illness is of primary concern, I need us to get through this together' I went through a living hell based on the compassion of a chosen family.
With my best friend we tool a quick bus and ferry to a Gulf Island. He commented that he had missed me and if not too invasive would like to discuss it, 'You have been my brother by choice so let's sit down and rewrite our vision board'
Educated people are far less likely to judge, Once I retired from a 27 years of airline work I looked closely at the added value of the people that I had shared those years with. Vancouver was 13 years and only one of hundreds have proven they are non judgemental and a bowl of ramen noodles is 4 hours of laughter and personal chit chat.

15 de agosto de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Revelar su estado serológico respecto del VIH a miembros de su familia puede tener resultados variados. Algunas personas experimentan apoyo y aceptación, mientras que otras pueden enfrentar retraimiento o reacciones de falta de apoyo. Es importante abordar la divulgación de manera reflexiva y considerar el impacto potencial Mostrar respuesta completa

Revelar su estado serológico respecto del VIH a miembros de su familia puede tener resultados variados. Algunas personas experimentan apoyo y aceptación, mientras que otras pueden enfrentar retraimiento o reacciones de falta de apoyo. Es importante abordar la divulgación de manera reflexiva y considerar el impacto potencial en las relaciones. Si compartir su estado no le resulta seguro o cómodo, no es necesario que lo haga. Puede resultar beneficioso encontrar apoyo de otras personas con VIH que comprendan su experiencia.

Disclosing your HIV status to family members can have varied outcomes. Some people experience support and acceptance, while others may face withdrawal or unsupportive reactions. It's important to approach disclosure thoughtfully and consider the potential impact on relationships. If sharing your status doesn't feel safe or Show Full Answer

Disclosing your HIV status to family members can have varied outcomes. Some people experience support and acceptance, while others may face withdrawal or unsupportive reactions. It's important to approach disclosure thoughtfully and consider the potential impact on relationships. If sharing your status doesn't feel safe or comfortable, you do not need to do so. Finding support from others with HIV who understand your experience can be beneficial.

25 de julio de 2024
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I am very fortunate my sister has always been there for me. My brother has been out of both of our lives for over 50 years, not hostile just no communication. My relatives are all in the medical fields and they have never been anything but respectful.

12 de junio de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I know how you feel my friend. I tried to get my family involved when I moved back to Pennsylvania but to no avail. I found that they really did not care nor could be bothered. I too have increased my distance from them to the point where I moved and did not tell them. They have had troubles with my being gay and thus with me being HIV+. My friends are off doing their own lives and could not be bothered with me. Thus I find that I am alone again and with the COVID-19 virus, I have had a difficult time making new friends here. People have always said that gay people are the worse for not having support and die alone more than in the heterosexual population. I believe that is true especially with those who are HIV/AIDS. I am scared, but I know that I am not defeated yet! I know things will change, but, nothing will change with my family. I wish you happiness in your life and path. A BIG HUG from me to you my friend!!

15 de agosto de 2020

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