Vocabulario sobre VIH
Es posible que haya escuchado a su médico usar algunas palabras, cuando habla sobre el VIH, con las que no está familiarizado. Hablemos de algunos de estos términos clave para que pueda comenzar a comprender mejor el VIH
Virus: un virus es un organismo que puede infectar las células de su cuerpo y usarlas para hacer más copias de sí mismo (“replicarse”). VIH significa Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Es un virus que infecta tu sistema inmunológico
Sistema inmunológico:… leer más
HIV Vocab
You may have heard your doctor use some words, when talking about HIV, that you’re not familiar with. Let’s talk about some of these key terms so you can start to better understand HIV
Virus – A virus is an organism that can infect your body’s cells and use them to make more copies of itself (“replicate”). HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It’s a virus that infects your immune system
Immune system – Your immune system is made up of cells, tissues, and organs inside your… read more
One thing after 30 years that I did not know. Your viral load can be undetectable, but if your t-cells drop below 200 you get AIDS diagnosed and are open to opportunistic infections.
There's another thing my doctor stressed to me was the ratio between t8 and t4 cells..the total tells may drop, but if the ratio is greater than 25,% with viral load nil, that is good.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam as long as your CD4 is high and your viral load is low (preferably Undetecable) then you’re doing well.
Thank You @Un miembro de myHIVteam For Sharing Your Knowledge with Everyone And Helping To Learn More About Hiv!
Thank you for the information it is very helpful.
Síntoma Del VIH
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