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Miembros reales de myHIVteam han publicado preguntas y respuestas que respaldan las pautas de nuestra comunidad y no deben tomarse como consejo médico. ¿Busca el contenido más reciente revisado médicamente por médicos y expertos? Visita nuestra sección de recursos.

Seguro Médico Para Ciudadanos Estadounidenses.

Health Insurance For United States Citizens.

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Edmore, MI

Este es un recordatorio público para nosotros, los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, porque no lo he visto mencionado en ninguna parte, a partir del 1 de octubre es hora de mirar sus planes de seguro médico en el mercado. Solo tienes hasta diciembre para elegir uno, cambiar el tuyo o quedarte con el que tienes. Acabo de recordar que es esa época del año para comprobar las cosas, porque no he oído ni visto que se mencione en ninguna parte
Así que actualice su seguro u obtenga un seguro ahora
htleer más

This is a public reminder for us United States citizens, for I have not seen it mentioned anywhere, as of October 1 it is time to look at your healthcare insurance plans on the marketplace. You only have until December to pick one out, change yours, or keep what you have. I just remembered myself that it is that time of year to check things out, for I haven't heard or saw of it being mentioned anywhere.
So update your insurance, or get insurance now.

4 de octubre de 2020 (edited)
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

my apologies, just went to the site and the dates have changed. This year you have even LESS time to pick out your insurance. It is NOVEMBER 1 to DECEMBER 15 this year.

4 de octubre de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

All of mine stays the same, and thanks for this second reminder @Un miembro de myHIVteam. Big HUG sent to you for helping keep us on top of everything Medical.

28 de octubre de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

You see Xavier, there is no room for you to leave us not even for a single day ! Where would we be without the kind if iNFORMATION that you give to all of us. Thanks for being you ! you are a lifesaver BRO. Take care there in MI. & catch my big hUG that I just sent you.

4 de octubre de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Friday I spent over three hours trying to change my Plan F medical ins to a plan G, because it's costing me well over $200/mo for my coverage. A plan G would have been a lifesaver and I'd be saving $100/mo.
Here's the problem. Now I have to answer all the medical questions in order to qualify to change plans, and i didn't qualify because I have AIDS, COPD, etc. So although I have a great plan currently, because of the above i cannot switch.
I discovered that there is only one
"Open Enrollment", the first one, when you turn 65 when they have to take you, no questions asked.
After that, forget about it. And they'll probably raise my premium again this year...I have to keep what I have. And I can't afford an Rx plan...

Some times life sucks. I hate this time of year.

Bui I love y'all. I hope this info helps someone. Hugs.

4 de octubre de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

No wonder I did not hear anything about it.

4 de octubre de 2020

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