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Dosis Omitida

Missed Dose

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Columbia, TN

He estado tomando Biktarvy desde agosto de 2020. Omití una dosis a las pocas semanas de comenzar mi tratamiento. No he omitido ninguna otra dosis desde entonces hasta hace unos días. Tengo una alarma programada todos los días y he estado tomando mis medicamentos fielmente. ¿Debo preocuparme por esta dosis omitida? He oído que Biktarvy es un fármaco muy indulgente...

I've been taking Biktarvy since August of 2020. I missed one dose within a few weeks of first starting my treatment. Have not missed any other doses since then until a few days ago. I have an alarm set every day and have been taking my meds faithfully. Do I need to worry about this missed dose? I've heard that Biktarvy is a very forgiving drug...

12 de febrero de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Biktarvy is the best anti retroviral medication available right now. 1 missed dose won't do any damage. I have missed a few and am still undetectable.

20 de febrero de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

THe meds stay in your system for days. 1 dose is not going to hurt Don't beat yoursefl up over it.

14 de febrero de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It is ok if you miss a dose. My doctor says that it happens with everyone. I have missed doses and have an alarm set. I have shut off my alarm, get distracted and forgotten about it. Please do not feel bad.

13 de febrero de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam You have said it just like it is. I believe all of us have missed a dose at least once and as long as we do not keep forgetting over and over and over again then we should be just fine if we do miss a dose and we should not ever feel bad because we did. We are only human and none of us is perfect. I have yet to ever hear someone come right out and say that they have never ever missed a dose because it does happen from time to time that for whatever reason we end up missing a dose. Yet it is very important that if we miss a dose and it is close to 12 hours before our next dose is due that we do not try and take a extra pill just to make up that lost dose. Just take it like you would any other day and try not to miss again for as long as possible because I know we are all bound to miss a dose again sometime no matter how hard we try not too.

14 de febrero de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It's recommended to take them every day. Missing a dose here and there is ok, it happens.
I'm actually on a study of taking my medication every other day. I'm 7 months in. Still undetectable. That equates to 3 months of no medication. I would NOT recommend this without doctor supervision though.

12 de febrero de 2021

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