He estado tomando Biktarvy desde agosto de 2020. Omití una dosis a las pocas semanas de comenzar mi tratamiento. No he omitido ninguna otra dosis desde entonces hasta hace unos días. Tengo una alarma programada todos los días y he estado tomando mis medicamentos fielmente. ¿Debo preocuparme por esta dosis omitida? He oído que Biktarvy es un fármaco muy indulgente...
I've been taking Biktarvy since August of 2020. I missed one dose within a few weeks of first starting my treatment. Have not missed any other doses since then until a few days ago. I have an alarm set every day and have been taking my meds faithfully. Do I need to worry about this missed dose? I've heard that Biktarvy is a very forgiving drug...
Biktarvy is the best anti retroviral medication available right now. 1 missed dose won't do any damage. I have missed a few and am still undetectable.
THe meds stay in your system for days. 1 dose is not going to hurt Don't beat yoursefl up over it.
It is ok if you miss a dose. My doctor says that it happens with everyone. I have missed doses and have an alarm set. I have shut off my alarm, get distracted and forgotten about it. Please do not feel bad.
It's recommended to take them every day. Missing a dose here and there is ok, it happens.
I'm actually on a study of taking my medication every other day. I'm 7 months in. Still undetectable. That equates to 3 months of no medication. I would NOT recommend this without doctor supervision though.
Si olvida una dosis de su terapia antirretroviral (TAR), es importante que la tome tan pronto como lo recuerde. Sin embargo, si es casi la hora de su siguiente dosis, omita la dosis olvidada y continúe con su horario habitual. No duplique las dosis. La constancia es crucial para prevenir la resistencia a los medicamentos y Mostrar respuesta completa
If you miss a dose of your antiretroviral therapy (ART), it's important to take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Do not double up on doses. Consistency is crucial to prevent drug resistance and maintain the Show Full Answer
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¿Omitir Dos Días De Biktarvy Puede Hacer Que Mi Carga Viral Se Vuelva Detectable? ¿He Estado Indetectable Durante 4 Meses? ¿Puedo Transmitir?