Una Vez Vacunado Contra El COVID-19, ¿qué Es Lo Primero Que Le Gustaría Hacer?
Once Vaccinated For COVID-19, What's The First Thing You'd Like To Do?
Una vez que haya recibido el alta y esté vacunado, ¿hay algo en particular que haya postergado hasta ahora?
Once you are cleared and vaccinated, is there anything in particular, that you held off on doing till now?
I’m planning on going to visit my Mom in a long term care facility starting with a hug!
That sounds nice hug anyone would be wonderful
I'v had my two shots, and can't wait to go visit my dad in LA, perhaps take him to a play.
Hope fully go on a cruise with friends.
Just feeling better about getting together with others who are also vaccinated. Small groups of socializing.
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