VIH Y ATENCIÓN DE SALUD MENTAL. La Soledad Está Relacionada Con Una Peor Salud Cerebral Y Una Menor Calidad De Vida En El VIH
HIV AND MENTAL HEALTH CARE. Loneliness Linked To Poorer Brain Health And Reduced Quality Of Life In HIV
Este es un estudio canadiense. Estoy seguro de que los resultados serían los mismos en cualquier otro país.
Si te sientes solo, ¿esta historia te describe?
Leer más aquí:
This is a Canadian study. I am sure the results would be the same in any other country.
If you are lonely, does this story describe you?
Read more here:
Older, aging, elder (gay/bi) men in general, regardless of income status are in this (loneliness) category; especially, this is true for us who live alone. However "loneliness" is a state of mind that, then, may manifest into poorer mental (brain) health outcomes and reduced quality of life as stated in the article. For us older/gay/bi men in their 70s and 80s living alone and HIV+ are even more affected by loneliness. Attempts to connect with others are limited due to physical (disability) mobility or the several health issues we encounter that require several/ongoing medical visits. This includes ingesting multiple medications daily, physical flexibility (or inflexibility) issues, transportation issues, bodily aches and pains daily, etc. For me, personally, loneliness may be a choice. However, the lonely aspect is broken (and alleviated at times) through yoga practice at a studio, attending Zoom classes, connecting (via Zoom) with other like-minded (usually) older gay men twice a week, physical massage every 2 weeks, chiropractor every 3 weeks, reviewing online research on health-related issues including the latest information on HIV. MyHIVteam is a good means of breaking through loneliness by giving us/me permission to vent through this forum. Thank you for this excellent opportunity.
Stay close and share your stories with us🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗♥️🙏
Loneliness and being alone are different.
One can determine whether they are challenged with loneliness intentionally or unintentionally.
Getting professional assistance is a way to find issues that may be addressed.
Being alone can also be intentionally or unintentionally directed towards one's self.
Sharing with trusted friends and community associates is a way to open up and find ways to upgrade one's self.
Well yes I am lonely sometimes but I have issues in the brain such as white matter ,so my moods are up and down I get angry real fast.or sad sometimes could be something from my childhood,I had an abusive childhood.i sometimes I miss my dad and both of my sister's.I don't know it's hard sometimes life is just hard .
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