¿Qué Compañías De Seguros Permitirán Un Suministro De Medicamentos Para El VIH Para 90 Días?
What Insurance Companies Will Allow A 90-day Supply Of HIV Medications?
Estoy en Medicare y tengo un suplemento de Medicare Parte D que cubre el costo de todos mis medicamentos con un deducible. El deducible de mis medicamentos contra el VIH es de aproximadamente $6000 por año más el costo del seguro. Afortunadamente, el ADAP (programa de asistencia para medicamentos del departamento de salud estatal) de Hawái paga el seguro más cualquier deducible relacionado con el VIH.
ADAP ahora está dispuesto a pagar suministros para 90 días, pero mi seguro complementario… leer más
I'm on Medicare and have a Medicare Part-D supplement which covers the cost of all my medications with a deductible. The deductible for my HIV medications is about $6000 per year plus the cost of the insurance. Luckily Hawaii's ADAP (state health dept drug assistance program) pays for the insurance plus any HIV related deductibles.
ADAP is now willing to pay for 90-day supplies but my supplemental insurance, Humana will only allow a 30-day supply. ADAP is encouraging me to find an… read more
Im with blue cross blue shield i pay 10 dollars a month and my medicine is 15 for each bottle i get of a 90 day supply my pharmcy automatically fill them for me
Well my friend I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with that kind of issue cuz you need your medicine I'm on Medicaid Actually I don't pay for anything plus I deal with the Ryan White project so everything is free for me I'm I wasn't realizing how expensive it is just to take care of yourself now I do realize it now I don't know if my friend I definitely will be asking some of my friends through fahass what kind of programs or something that you could possibly get on. I can't even imagine paying that.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, I checked out the site you mentioned but it's there to just sell one Medicare Advantage plans as a replacement to Medicare, not supplemental Part-D plans. Really appreciate your assistance though 😛
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicare drug plans must relax their “refill-too-soon” policy. Plans must let you get up to a 90-day supply in one fill unless quantities are more limited for safety reasons. ... In some Medicare plans, your prescriptions are only covered if you get them filled at network pharmacies.
UHC,I have it.
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