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¿Alguien Cambió De Opinión Acerca De Recibir La Vacuna Monkeypox Con La Nueva Declaración De La OMS?

Anyone Changed Their Mind About Getting Monkeypox Vaccine With The WHO New Declaration?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭

Ahora que la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha declarado “la viruela del simio como una emergencia de salud pública de preocupación internacional” y la enfermedad está apareciendo fuera de la comunidad LGBTQ, incluidos los niños ( Monkeypox-children-vaccine/index.html) ¿Esto ha hecho que alguien cambie de opinión acerca de recibir la vacuna MPX
Aquí hay una historia de cuán debilitante y doloroso es para alguien que lo ha tenido. más

Now that the World Health Organization, has declared “monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern” and the disease is showing up outside the LGBTQ community including children ( ) has this changed anyones mind about getting the MPX vaccine
Here is a story of how how debilitating and paInful from someone who’s had it.
I’ve gotten my first dose with a 2nd one scheduled 28 days… read more

publicado 23 de julio de 2022
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have no intentions on taking anymore vaccines or treatments. Had a discussion with my primary last week. I'm still wearing my mask and using precautions. My life is precious to me. Thank you to all the people who do the clinical trials. I appreciate you 😊

publicado 26 de julio de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

That just reminded me to email my doctor's office and ask them what they think. I am supposed to see him in September. Hey, one day we were doing our thing and the next the world was shut down - I ain't takin' any chances at this point.

publicado 24 de julio de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Here in the UK I follow the UK news very closely and there's been no word at all about general vaccination of the population, or even affected groups, re. monkeypox. I did read this morning, however, that one gay UK politician has accused the government of not taking action because, he asserted, the government perceives monkeypox as only affecting MSM, which is not entirely true. I think it may be possible that UK Sexual Health clinics are offering the vaccine to patients who may be susceptible. My local Sexual Health clinic, who give me my HIV care, has not however offered it to me, but that may be because they know that I am in a monogamous relationship. But if my local doctor were to start offering it to every patient in my area I would line up for it - just to be as safe as possible.

publicado 23 de julio de 2022 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I don't get any vaccines.. I'm not getting any vaccines..I believe in the power of My God and that I'm covered by the mighty blood of Jesus Thats all the vaccine l need..Not taking anything from anyone else's choices or beliefs..Just my truth

publicado 31 de julio de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I got some information about who is (eligible) for the monkey pox vaccine at the LA LGBT Center.They are starting off with anyone who has has had an STI in the past 3 month and for anyone on PREP. They said they will get to the rest of us after that.

publicado 28 de julio de 2022

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