¿Estás Planeando Algo Especial Este Año Para Las Fiestas?
Are You Planning Something Special This Year For The Holidays?
Con las vacaciones a la vuelta de la esquina. Mucha gente espera con ansias las festividades navideñas de este año. ¿Vas a hacer algo especial este año... que no pudiste hacer el año pasado debido al covid-19?
With the holidays around the corner. lots of people are looking forward to this year's holiday festivities. Are you going to do anything special this year,.. that you did not get to do last year, due to covid-19?
No really since I've just turned 60 if it's God's will in Nov I've planned a celebration of life cruise on the carnival Mardi gras cruise
Hi there….new to this group
Hello all I haven't been online lately but it's nice to see everybody and everything on the group
I will be cooking for the homeless this year i have not be able in recent year because of illness!
With the new vaccine that is coming out this Fall and Winter, I feel more comfortable in going inside and visiting family/friends. I have not done that in 2 years. I just visited my own mother and father and siblings but have not ventured out elsewhere.
Hola A Todos 👋
Hola, ¿sabes Si Existe La Posibilidad De Que Pueda Recibir Mi Tratamiento De Medicamentos Si Vengo De Otro País? Vine Aquí Con Una Visa De Trabajo.
Una Vez Vacunado Contra El COVID-19, ¿qué Es Lo Primero Que Le Gustaría Hacer?