¿Cómo Puedo Deshacerme De Mi VIH Si Gano Los 1.900 Millones De Dólares?
How Can I Get Rid Of My HIV If I Win The $1.9 Billion?
Compré lo que el empleado dijo que es la lotería Powerball ganadora. El premio mayor es de 1.900 millones de dólares, así que he oído que algunas personas se curaron del VIH y me pregunto cómo conseguir la cura y cuánto costará.
¿¿¿Alguna sugerencia???
I bought what the clerk said is the winning Powerball lottery. The jackpot is $1.9Billion so I have heard that some folks got cured of HIV and I wonder how to get the cure and how much it will cost.
Any Suggestions???
I dont know about HIV..but u can sure buy me the car i desire...😜😜😜😜😜😘🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😆
Move to Europe they are much farther advance in hiv than the US
I don’t know about a cure, how about a new house complete with furniture?
I don't believe there is a cure!!!!!
They didn't get cured they just have such a small amount of virus that it is insignificant.
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¿Cómo Puedo Conseguir Medicamentos?