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Cuando Le Diagnosticaron Por Primera Vez, ¿cuánto Tiempo Se Dio De Vida O Tenía Previsto Vivir Mucho?

When You Were First Diagnosed How Long Did You Give Yourself To Live Or Did You Plan To Go Long?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Grove City, OH

Me pregunto cuál es la diferencia en cómo se comparan las personas recién diagnosticadas con las que llevan mucho tiempo cuando nos enteramos por primera vez.

I'm wondering about the difference in how newly diagnosed people compare to long timers when we first find out.

20 de diciembre de 2022
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was diagnosed in 1990 in Texas and they gave me my results in a black folder, put me on AZT and told me to get my affairs in order. They told me I would not last 10 years. That was over 30 years ago - and that is pretty much the attitude I had at that time. I was like, "oh no Mischa, it is going to be me, Cher, and the roaches when this game is done". That said, many many years of horrible side effects from research trial medications later I am alive and well and thriving. I turned to activism and advocacy and was very involved in many of the early movements that delivered HIV research and care to the world and I also founded a non-profit organization that did HIV prevention, education, and curriculum development internationally. I think that attitude of "I only have ten years I better make the most of it" has also been a huge benefit to my professional career in real estate and travel. I really did not perceive that I had the time to waste that others had when I was in my 20's.

21 de diciembre de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Sabía que iba a vivir más debido a la mentalidad que tenía, vi a mi hermana morir con sida en 1994, quería seguir viviendo y así lo hice, 💔

I knew I was going to live longer due to the mindset I put my self in, I saw my sister die with Aids 1994, I wanted to live on so I did, 💔

8 de octubre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Tengo 29 años y más por venir Dios me atrapó 😇

I have 29yrs and more coming God got me😇

6 de octubre de 2023 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

At the time I didn't think I would be here today but I am so far

28 de diciembre de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Well my friend I'm going to tell you the truth and after I got diagnosed about 4 years ago I thought my time was over I was ready to plan my funeral I just didn't really focus on anything but that because I knew my time would be quick given that I didn't know much about medicine I didn't realize that we had gotten this far I had already suffered a loss by losing some of the closest friends of mines to this thing but I found a new life with new friends through fahass and they pretty much saved my life I was able to get some things done with them after getting paid out for my job I was able to get my insurance my benefits and they paid my rent for like almost 2 years so I can say I'm blessed besides all the craziness that went with me losing both of my sisters and my dad I'm blessed I just think that people like us we go through so much that's why I try to keep moving even if I'm feeling bad I try to keep going and my group keeps me going Jason knight sometimes he calls me to do things and I don't want to go or be a part of it but I go because I need to keep busy and also we need the funding to keep stuff going after I get there I'm fine I feel a lot better when I did the movie night the other day it was a good time I was able to get some pictures in and of course I do my little video thing and get them out and I feel a lot better I feel good when I get on this site and I see people on here and they're happy and that is what keeps me going besides all the craziness and I know I give my mom hell and sometimes I'm not in control but I am trying to get the help that I need and I do try to ground myself but I'm not going to babble long because I could go on and on I do hope everyone has a wonderful holiday be blessed always love Trey

22 de diciembre de 2022

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