Desde hace mucho tiempo, mis heces cambian constantemente tanto de forma como de textura, pero la mayor parte del tiempo tengo estreñimiento severo y, a veces, diarrea. También mis heces eran de color rojo oscuro. ¿A alguien le ha pasado esto? ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Le dije a mi marido. Cualquier consejo sería muy apreciado.
My stool's for a long while now have been changing constantly both shape and texture but most of the time I have severe constipation and sometimes diarrhea. Also my stool as been a dark red colour. Has anyone had this happen to you? What should I do? I told my Husband. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
There could be a few causes. It could be what you are eating. It also could be a hemorrhoid. I would eat more rice.
Get a specialist.
You may just be on the rag to. It's happened to me plenty of times. Also Santa may have emptied his sack a little too hard.
Time for a cold screening. Blood un stools or blood red stools are a sign of colon problems starting. Get in to see a Gastroentorologist soon. Hav u kidney and liver functions checked too as well as possible Intestinal Ruptures.🤐
Don't wait!
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