¿Saldrías Con Una Persona VIH Negativa?
Would You Date An HIV Neg Person?
Dado que el VIH es una enfermedad crónica, muchas personas solteras tienen dificultades para conectarse con otras personas debido a este virus.
¿Qué te parece salir con alguien que no tiene el virus del VIH?
With HIV being a chronic illness, lots of people who are single have a difficult time connecting with others due to this virus.
How do you feel about dating someone who does not have the HIV virus?
Mi pareja es vih negativa. No tenemos de qué preocuparnos, soy indetectable así que no puedo transmitir el virus. El vih es y nunca fue un problema en nuestra relación. Comencé lo antes posible con el TAR y después de 2 semanas era indetectable y 2 semanas después, era seguro tener relaciones sexuales sin condón.
My partner is hiv negative. We don't have to worry, I'm undetectable so I can not transmit the virus. The hiv is and was never a issue in our relationship. I started asap with the ART and after 2 weeks I was undetectable and 2 weeks after that, it was safe to have sex without condom.
I am dating an non HIV positive person and we've been seeing each other for over three years. The main thing our relationship is based on is respect. We respect each others differences and respect that one would never do anything that would harm the other. More than the sero status difference this queer man is dating a wonderful Black Transgender Womyn
Yes, I would. If I were lucky enough to fall in love again at my age, I certainly wouldn't rule out somebody based on their HIV status. I have to admit that I'd be worried that I'd accidentally infect them though.
Pero para detener el estrés y la depresión en algunas personas es mejor buscar a alguien que sea positivo como tú, siempre y cuando esté reprimido.
But to stop stress and depression in some people it's better to get some one who is postive like you as long as is suppressed
@Un miembro de myHIVteam - you are so much more than your HIV diagnosis. Find someone who can see that.
¿Cuáles Son Tus Habilidades De Afrontamiento?
¿Puedo Tener Relaciones Sexuales Con Una Persona VIH Negativa?
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