Como Hombre Vih+. ¿Cómo Manejo Las Citas Con El Vih-mem?
As A Hiv+ Man. How Do I Handle Dating Hiv- Mem
Are you undetectable? If so, you know you can't pass it on, right?? When it comes to someone you're interested in, tell them before anything happens, that way if they're educated about it, it shouldn't be a problem. But it's been presented, so the choice is his. If he's ok with it, go for it!!!
I just do it. A negative man is the same as a positive man. Treat them the way you want to be treated. Which means looking out for them when it comes to sex. Give them the option to decline. The respect goes a long way. Don't shame them for not being up to date with the most recent HIV information. Since non of us knew it until it effected us.
Como Encontre Tratamiento Para Vih
¿Cómo Puedo Conseguir Medicamentos?
Como Conseguir Medicina