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¿Cuándo Le Cuentas A Alguien Tu Estado?

When Do You Tell Someone Your Status?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Davenport, FL

Tengo mucho estigma en mi cabeza sobre cómo era el vih. Recuerdo en los años 90 lo horrible que era. Sé que ahora es mucho más manejable. Parece que no puedo superar todos mis viejos estigmas.

I have so much stigma in my head about how hiv was. I remember in the 90s how horrible it was. I know it’s much more manageable now. Just can’t seem to work past all my old stigmas

8 de mayo de 2023
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

It's a crap shoot. Myself. I'm wouldn't be telling anyone anything if I don't think they can keep it to themselves. The fear of HIV is still out there. Hell, I have it. (let these meds stop working)Not to be confused with the 80 and 90's stigma that was mixed with how you got it. These days everyone is gay. So that stigma is pretty much gone.

9 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I’m single. So telling a partner is easy. I don’t have one anymore. I’d like one but it seems so impossible right now

8 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

If your talking about your partner I would tell them off the get go now whether the want to go any forvthats on them but if your undectable like most people you really shouldn't have too tell them

8 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I’m very open about my status, mainly because, after first being diagnosed, I trusted a family member (who I thought was someone I could trust) just to find out she was telling the rest of the family (many who I didn’t even have any sort of relationship with). I don’t walk down the street shouting my status but when asked and if it truly matters, then I answer honestly.

8 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Ohhh maybe we can talk. Single too.

8 de mayo de 2023

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