¿Qué Impacto Cree Que Puede Tener En Alguien Recién Diagnosticado O Con Alto Riesgo De Contraer El VIH? | myHIVteam

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¿Qué Impacto Cree Que Puede Tener En Alguien Recién Diagnosticado O Con Alto Riesgo De Contraer El VIH?
How Much Of An Impact Do You Think That You Can Make On Someone Who Is Newly Diagnosed Or Is High Risk For Contracting HIV?
Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
publicado 12 de marzo de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I would hope that I could make some impact. I would be authentic, approachable, a good listener, compassionate, an educator and friend. Weep when they weeped. Rejoiced when they rejoiced.

publicado 12 de marzo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Those of us who have been around for thirty years with it can teach them that they can live! Yes there's some changes but you can build a life. Also it didn't have to define you!!

publicado 12 de marzo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I try to reach out, but the issue is how open is the person to accept it? One of my young friends was not dealing with the diagnosis well and I kept trying to normalize his life. My very best life long friend all the mattered was I try to get through it and she would always love me. My ling time friend in Vancouver gave me a hug and joked about at least he knew that I was alive and still capable of making him smile.

publicado 12 de marzo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

That's the exact same thing I told my mother when she found out about the book I wrote.

publicado 22 de marzo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hello sir: In response to what Ghostplant08 said, some people will never care about your story or the fact that you have endured, but if you reach just one person, you have helped save a life.

publicado 22 de marzo de 2017

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