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Miembros reales de myHIVteam han publicado preguntas y respuestas que respaldan las pautas de nuestra comunidad y no deben tomarse como consejo médico. ¿Busca el contenido más reciente revisado médicamente por médicos y expertos? Visita nuestra sección de recursos.



Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Birmingham, AL

Esto siempre lo tengo en mente. Una vez que seas indetectable y tomes tu medicamento continuamente de manera adecuada, ¿hay alguna forma de pasárselo a alguien si el condón se rompe o si deciden dejarlo crudo?

This is always on my mind Once your undetectable and you continuously taking your medication properly is there any way that you can pass it to someone If the comdom breaks or if they decided to just go raw?

12 de junio de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

not free... such a low amount that you will remain healthy and can not transmit HIV to anyone else. We are never free of the virus. It lays dormant, hiding but taking care of ourselves we can keep it from hurting ourselves or others.

25 de julio de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was dating a guy that wanted me to Poz him. Said something to HIV Dr. about it and said he would be surprised if I could infect him. My Viral load has been undetectable for at least 10 years if not longer. Last Bloodwork T-cells 852 and my % is around 34%. I was diagnosed in August of 1993. I went full blown Aids in December of 93. I can honestly say that 1993 was not a good year for me

14 de junio de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

According to the data , NO. I still recommend PrEP for the other person which would be 100%

19 de julio de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

As long as you're taking your meds consistently

16 de julio de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Full blown Aids was someone who dropped below 200 t-cells. Mine dropped in December of 1993. I was out of work for a spinal issue and while I was out instead of pain pills I was doing Eggnog and yes it was spiked. I was going thru about a quart a week. I knew I had a compromised immune system and I knew that alcohol comprised my immune system, but Denial is a wonderful thing I did not put the 2 together until my t-cells dropped below 200 and I went on AZT. I had not educated myself yet on my condition so going on AZT in my uneducated mind was I will be dead in 6 months. After I educated myself I finally started adhering to the medicine.

25 de junio de 2017

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