Las terapias contra el VIH son imprescindibles para mantener el virus bajo control. Mantener la hora a la que toma sus pastillas a la misma hora todos los días le ayudará a mantenerse en un nivel indetectable. Además de tomar tu régimen contra el VIH religiosamente todos los días, ¿tiendes a retrasarte con otros medicamentos que tomas? Tomo mi pastilla contra el VIH todas las noches a las 8 p.m. Pero a veces tiendo a faltar mi pastilla para la neurpatía, las pastillas inflamatorias y los… leer más
HIV therapies are a must to keep the virus in check. Keeping the time you take your pill(s) at the same time everyday will help keep you at an undetectable level. Besides taking your HIV regimen religiously every day, do you tend to lag behind on any other medications you take? I take my HIV pill at 8pm every night. But my neurapathy pill, inflammatory pills, lung medication I tend to lack on sometimes. I have alarms set to take my meds, but sometimes I just don't take them. BESIDES your HIV… read more
I take all my meds no matter what. I am lucky where I only take them once a day in the morning. Missing dosages can cause your body to become resistant to some drugs and that is not a good thing.
I take my Prego pill when I eat. But when I eat varies. I only eat once a day.
Believe me, you don't want to take a triumeq on an empty stomach. It's like doing 12 rounds with Mike Tyson and him just doing body work.
So timing it depends on the day and if it's date night. On date night I wash it down with a smoothie.
Don't want to have a brown out when you get the green light in the red light district.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam are u joking the heat stays on during the winter months and I adjust the temperature that causes the pilot light to ignite the flames of the fire box according to the ambient temp of this old place with it's lack of insulation . ( husband and I laid in bed last night discussing how cold it felt and he had the nerve to ask me if I had turned the thermostat up because it felt cold to him ( and what's even worse is the fact that his body seems to radiate heat which causes me to be warm if we are both sharing the king size comforter plus all three of the children laying on or between us sharing their furry body heat so why on earth would I feel the need to waste money by cranking the thermostat up to 80 when I am surrounded by personal heaters :) ! ).
I learned that by separating them during your meals made it easier to remember. We developed a pill patrol in our support group ss well. Perhaps it's time to start one now.
This is how it works. I inform thar I'm having trouble remembering to take my pills. The pill patrol then goes into action. Kind of like the nagging nannies. Pill Patrol will continuously send me reminders. It helped alot of the members of our support group and it's a method that was adopted since.. Just a thought
been on truimarq a little over three months now with no side effects I a happy to report :) . ( but then I never had any of the listed side effects on either of the previous cocktails I was on so I might be the odd duck ) .
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