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¿Alguien Tiene Experiencia Con La Caída Del Recuento De CD4 Debido A La Toma De Esteroides (prednisona)?

Anyone Have Experience With CD4 Count Dropping Due To Taking Steroids (Prednisone)?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Tacoma, WA

A mi esposo (también VIH+/SIDA) le recetaron prednisona para algunos problemas renales. Nuestro médico de identificación y nefrólogo trabajaron muy de cerca para determinar que era absolutamente necesario porque los esteroides debilitan el sistema inmunológico. Los esteroides comenzaron con 20 mg al día y ahora son 15 mg al día. Han hecho maravillas con sus problemas renales y la dosis seguirá disminuyendo con el tiempo, pero es un proceso lento. Las investigaciones que encontré en línea dicen… leer más

My husband (also HIV+/AIDS) has been prescribed Prednisone for some kidney issues. Our ID doc and nephrologist worked very closely to determine it was absolutely necessary because steroids weaken immune system. Steroids started at 20mg a day and are now at 15mg a day. They have done wonders for his kidney issues and dose will keep decreasing over time but it's a slow process. Research I have found online says steroids actually increase CD4 count but his has dropped a lot. His CD4 was 42… read more

29 de octubre de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

My clinic doesn’t even give you your CD4 levels anymore as they tend to fluctuate for a number of reasons. Mine were sky high the last time I got mine but we’re told these numbers aren’t as relevant anymore, It’s just about that undetectable status

5 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

i really wouldn't worry about cd4 count right now if he is untetectable. many things can cause big increases or reductions. i went from 239 to 119 in a weeks time. then again i had went from 156 to 269 in 4 weeks. if he is at an undetectable level, there is no more damage being done to his immune system. just small factors can change cd4s, like not getting enough rest the night before testing, or even stress the day before can lower cd4s. the lower your cd4s the more dramatic the numbers can be.

4 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hi...I just joined the website and the first post I see is a similar case to mine! I hope ur husband is doing well. I started meds in Jan of this year 2019 and at 9 months since my viral load test was done am still detectable at 39! Recently I had joint pains all over and doc said I had inflammation so I was prescribed prednisolone (same as prednisone) steroids. It’s my third day today started at 15mg per day and will gradually decrease to 5mg in the last week of 3 weeks course. Is it safe to use while viral load is still detectable? Worries me sick! My cd4 was 390 3 months ago wen I tested. Any reassurances will be appreciated!! Also not sure wat inflammation means my doc doesn’t seem too confident in explaining and am a bit lost!

19 de diciembre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam I was diagnosed July 28, 2008. my viral load was 55 million (i think i need to reconfirm that though), my cd4 was 156 (for sure). in 9 years, my high has been 269 my low 119. my current numbers as of October 17th was undetectable, cd4 of 201. I was cd4 of 257 in July. It is very frustrating that I have been on a plateau for 9 years. I see people who start out at cd4s in the double digits 4 years after my diagnosis and within a year they are up to cd4 of 700s. Yes it is disappointing my numbers doesn't change, but everything else checks out normal.

4 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Thank you! I've read that in places and I want to believe it. I appreciate your reassurance. My CD4 has dropped quite a bit over the past few months also (560 to 420 to 363) and while 363 is still good, it is back where I started and that worries me too. I am undetectable also so that's good. I often forget that I am poz because I am so focused on keeping hubs healthy and alive. WTF will happen if my status goes sideways?!?! Deep breaths...everything will be okay.

4 de noviembre de 2017

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