Todos sabemos que el estrés y el VIH no son una buena combinación. Las mascotas pueden ayudarnos a reducir el estrés y también son parte de la familia. Entonces ¿quién tiene mascotas? ¡Vamos a mostrárselos! Esta es mi Odie. Nació el 19 de agosto de 2010. HAGA CLIC EN LAS FOTOS PARA AGRANDARLAS.
We all know that stress and HIV is not a good combination. Pets can help us lower our stress, and they are a part of the family too. So who has pets? Let's show them off! This is my Odie. He was born August 19, 2010. CLICK ON PICTURES TO ENLARGE THEM.
This is Pooh Bear
Munchkin was..(unfortunately passed away 4yrs ago) my one and only...the only male in my bed for 10 lol lol
i have 6 dogs and god only knows how many dam cats are out there,but my dogs are my family, they even stopped me from suicide a few times, i have had dogs as far back as i can remember they snuggled up with me at night outside hiding in rhe buches to keep my mothers husband from beating hell out of me,oh well i know i wont live without them,my human family sucks, so ill stik to where thde love is at swith my dogs
My pets kept me going while I was laying on the couch for my first month or two while i was recovering. They just wouldn't let me out of there sight. They are still like that now, the dogs and the cat. So I have a huge debt to them.
Baby boy with his forepaw bandaged up very well because he managed to break off a dew claw last week ,.
( but has having a very well bandaged paw slowed him down one bit well I think not :) ) .
Quien Quiere Ser Mi Amigo En Richmond California
¿Consideras Que Tener VIH Es Una Discapacidad?
Si Pudieras Decirle A Otra Persona Algo Específico Que Hayas Aprendido Del VIH, ¿qué Sería?