Genvoya No Es El Milagro Que Esperaba... ¿Alguien Más Se Ha Divertido Con Él Y Ha Cambiado A Otro ART?
Genvoya Isn’t The Miracle I Expected...anyone Else Having A Time With It And Switched To Another ART?
Bueno, lamentablemente @@Genvoya no es lo que esperaba. Tengo todos los efectos secundarios enumerados y algunos más. Aquí vamos... insomnio, falta de apetito, náuseas, dolor de cabeza, diarrea, sarpullido, neuropatía que empeora, pesadillas, pesadillas, pesadillas y esa cosa extraña que hace que me hormigueen las cejas después de tomar esta maldita sustancia. Mi doctora de identificación quiere cambiarme y, por supuesto, dice que nunca ha visto esto con uno de sus pacientes... por suerte para… leer más
Well unfortunately @@Genvoya is not what I expected. I have every side effect listed plus a few more. Here we go...insomnia, lack of appetite, nausea, headache, diarrhea, rash, worsening neuropathy, nightmares nightmares nightmares and this strange thing which makes my eyebrows tingle after I take the dang stuff. My ID Doc wants to switch me and of course she says she has never seen this with one of her patients...lucky me. My question is this: Anyone else have issues with @@Genvoya and have… read more
Great to hear! Every one of us has a different response. My beloved "ex"is on Odefsey and is a champion. On the other hand, it seems I require the complete rx overkill to control my HIV. It's never "fair" it just IS. I grew up in NYC in the '80's and most of my friends died. So, every day is a miracle.
Hi, may I please note that you should never go without your HIV meds. Have you looked into Ryan White in your area?
I hear you! We may not have kidneys or livers or any other organs when we get older because of the meds we take, but hey we are still alive! What can we do brother, one day at a time.
Hang in there man!
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Si Eres Soltero, ¿cómo Han Sido Las Citas Desde Que Conoces Tu Estado?
¿Consideras Que Tener VIH Es Una Discapacidad?