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¿Te Han Preguntado Si Realmente Eres VIH Porque Te Ves Muy Saludable?

Have You Had People Ask You If You Are Really HIV Because You Look So Healthy?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

He vivido con VIH durante 31 años, casi la mitad de mi vida. Como superviviente a largo plazo, uno ha visto lo peor de la enfermedad desde el principio. Parecía que estaba enfermo, lo cual era en los años 90 y la gente lo aceptaba porque el SIDA era muy frecuente. Tuve la suerte de participar en una prueba de Crixivan en 1996 que me salvó la vida. A partir de entonces me volví más fuerte a medida que surgieron más medicamentos y conocí más sobre la enfermedad. Cumplí con mi horario de… leer más

I have lived with HIV for 31 years, almost half my life. As a long term survivor one has seen the worse of the disease from the very beginning. I looked like I was sick which I was in the 90's and people accepted it because AIDS was so prevalent. I was lucky to get on a trial for Crixivan in 1996 which saved my life. From then on I became stronger as more medications came out and more known about the illness I have adhered to my med schedule, monitored regularly by doctors and specialists… read more

28 de diciembre de 2018
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I've had issues like that as well my grandmother said I thought you were dead since that day I have not spoken to her and now she is passed away I hate that that happens live in HIV since 1989 and I survived thank God for medications that came out in 1996 however I have issues such as nausea and body pain still to this day I get through it I go to work everyday and I feel like I look pretty good God be with you all that are positive in Christ amen

28 de diciembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have been positive since 1986 and have had my ups and downs with HIV, as you have. I do get that "you don't look sick" occasionally. Most people are aware this day in age of the accomplishments that have been made for us. I am happy to hear you are well.

28 de diciembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam, i think your one foxy Lady and you look great, HIV and Cancer you've held up very nice

28 de diciembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Third, I just got reevaluated by PRUDENTIAL. I became disabled in 2012. My weight fluctuates more than 10% regularly. That was determined to be wasting syndrome while I lived in Texas and that alone met the burden to be 100% disabled. There is so much more than weight in my opinion. Like you there are days when I wake up and going pee is just a real chore and takes a lot of my energy. I understand your situation. I hope things do improve for you.

28 de diciembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Sometimes with my meds feel my life has been drained away. Life is sometimes not enjoyable, I sould be happy be alive.

28 de diciembre de 2018

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