¿Alguien Ya Toma Vacaciones De Drogas?
Does Anyone Take Drug Holidays Anymore?
Hola miembros, he estado tomando medicamentos desde 1996. Realmente me gustaría tomarme un tiempo libre para darle un descanso a mi cuerpo y a mi mente. Tomo cinco medicamentos contra el VIH al día, más uno para sus efectos secundarios. Mi último médico durante 11 años, que lamentablemente falleció el año pasado, iba a intentarlo. Demonios, he sido positivo durante 30 años. A mis demás no les entusiasma tanto la idea a pesar de que tengo una carga viral indetectable y CD-4 alto. ¿Se pregunta si… leer más
Hey members, I've been on meds since 1996. I really would like to take some time off to give my body and mind a break. I take five HIV meds a day, plus ones for their side effects. My last doctor of 11 years who unfortunately passed away last year was going to try it. Hell I have been positive over 30 years. My others aren't so crazy about the idea even though I have undetectable viral load and high CD-4. Wondered if any LTS here have taken a holiday? If so how long, and could you really… read more
Your immune system must have been in very good condition before you went on vacation from meds. I don't think that would work for everyone. 10 years wow.
I took a 10-year vacation from taking HIV meds I've had HIV for 27 years I've been back on it for 2 years,... I must admit it was the best 10 years of my life..... But it all ended abruptly when I was diagnosed with a fungus infection of the blood which eventually would have went to the brain and i would have gone crazy!.... it take 10 years for that to happen so for me yeah it was worth it! I didn't have weight issues I didn't have high blood pressure... No fatigue no nothing! I was never sick a day in my life no flu no colds ... no nothing!... But I think eventually do get something I just don't know what is always because after all your immune system will go down to AIDS level! 😁😁😁
Every Sunday
Ahhhhhhhhh!😁😁😁Thanks for saying!..I appreciate it totally!
The picture tells it all. Kind of made my day. Thanks!
¿Crees Que Es Necesario Decirle A Una Posible Pareja Sexual Que Eres Indetectable?
[[tratamiento:Biktarvy:5bbfcc867dea2526b1ac791e]] Dolor En El Pecho
¿A Quién Le Apetece Una Margarita Hoy?