¿Cuáles Son Los Pros Y Los Contras De La Asistencia Sanitaria Nacionalizada/socializada?
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Nationalized/socialized Healthcare?
Hay muchos países diferentes en este sitio web. Si vive en Canadá, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Australia, Nueva Zelanda o cualquier otro país que haya nacionalizado/socializado la atención sanitaria, ¿cuáles son sus opiniones personales sobre cómo se gestiona? ¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras de un sistema de salud nacionalizado/socializado? Si pudieras elegir, ¿mantendrías lo que tienes ahora o encontrarías algo diferente? Para los estadounidenses que "piensan o saben" todo sobre la atención… leer más
There are many different countries on this website. If you live in Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or any other country that has nationalized/socialized healthcare, what are your personal opinions on how it is run? What are the pros and cons of a nationalized/socialized healthcare system? If you had a choice would you keep what you have now or would you find something different? To the American's who "think or know" all about nationalized/socialized healthcare, let's have… read more
Thank Gawd I live in Canada where we have universal health care - for everyone - all across the country.
I have lived in countries where medical care is provided (Socialism). There were longer wait times for certain procedures. Overall it just took time to adjust to a different system. It's like comparing Kaiser and Blue Cross. Both systems are huge and cater to the deep pockets of the drug companies. We basically have socialized medicine with Obama Care. Even if you have no coverage from your employer, you can go to any ER and receive basic care. Even refugees from Honduras and Guatemala get medical care once they arrive here. A few in marginal condition have sadly died recently, but overall they are assessed and treated by the current system. The pharmaceutical lobby fights any attempt to socialize their products. So insulin costs $50 in Mexico and $700 here. Rather than separately administer Medicare Parts ABCD, Medicaid, MediCal, & other federal & state programs, it would be much simpler & cheaper to have a 'Medicare for all' program that provides for basic medical needs. Now Trump says he's going to come up with new plan. He also talks of gutting Medicare & Social Security. This will all end up in the courts and may take years to resolve. In the meantime, it's important to vote, and let your voice be heard. As the pendulum swings, it has been leaning on the side of a more Socialist/Humanist paradigm for many years.
I did not mean to offend anybody I just know a lot of nurses they came over from Canada to work over here part-time and they work in Canada half the year and hear the other half and they told me horror story so I don't know I never been to Canada so I honestly can say I'm just going by what I heard but then again people say a lot of stuff doesn't really batanes any reality at all but if you say that you had great health care I'm very happy for you I don't know if it would work here in America or not I leave that open right now I do know that we got each other to help out that's why I use the word one Love meaning us helping each other
James I can only add my story about the excellent health care here in Canada - I have been very fortunate to have some of the best Doctors and Specialists who were able to treat me for two different cancers - one in 2003/4 and the second in 2013/14 - both were Stage IV by the time treatment began. I may not have any teeth now BUT I have a steel jaw, am able to eat anything but kale. But I am here. Had I been living in the US I was not in any position to be able to pay for cancer treatment, scans, X-Rays, 35 days of radiation or even my 15 days in hospital.
I heard good news and bad news about this some people say in Canada it's hard to get good medical care even though it's free and the same thing with the United kingdom here we pay for medication we have insurances so therefore I believe we get better health care then they loaded braces but it doesn't cost any money so it's really up to you which choice you want to make I would go with the better doctors God bless you brother James
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Hola Porfavor Alguien Que Se Encuentre En Utah O California Cómo Puedo Obtener Tratamiento Estoy En Tampa Y Voy A Mudarme A Cualquiera De Lo
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