Problemas Con La Medicación Contra El VIH.
Issues With HIV Medication.
¿Alguien ha experimentado problemas renales o pérdida ósea al tomar alguno de los productos contra el VIH?
Has anyone experienced kidney problems or bone loss with taking any of the HIV products.
Complers también me dañó gravemente los huesos.
Complers severely damaged my bones too.
Yes I had a spontaneous fracture of my left femure behind Atripla/Truvada that I had taken for years. Please respond at = (La dirección de correo electrónico sólo puede ser vista por los creadores de la pregunta y la respuesta) Thanks! Aloysius
I have severe bone loss especially left hip and 2 years ago I actually fell and Fx my right shoulder and collarbone.
I was on Triumeq and the doctor said its was causing me to get kidney stones. So far this year I have had 3 surgeries.
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