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¿Puede Una Persona VIH Positiva Contaminar Una Piscina Si No Lleva Traje De Baño?

Can A HIV Positive Person Contaminate A Swimming Pool If They Are Not Wearing A Bathing Suit?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Athens, GA

Tengo un amigo que me informó que necesitaba su traje de baño porque a su padre le preocupaba que contaminara la piscina con VIH. Intenté tranquilizar a mi amigo, pero él se mostró bastante convencido de que se trataba de una amenaza grave.

¿Es esto posible y, si no lo es, qué consejo puedo darle?

I have a friend that informed me that he needed his bathing suit because his father was worried he would contaminate the swimming pool with HIV. I tried to reassure my friend, but he was quite ademate about that this was a serious threat.

Is this possible and if it's not, what can advice can i give him?

2 de julio de 2019 (edited)
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

1) the virus is so small, it would go through the threads of the bathing suit anyway.
2) once hiv hits the air, its dead in the matter of seconds anyway.

2 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

You know we have some ignorant people in this world who claims they know what they are talking about and the reality is that they have not taken the time to inform themselves about how this disease can be transferred. I would suggest that you get them some literature about this then, sit down with them and read it to ensure that they are reading and comprehending what they read and then you have done all you can do. Obviously this person parents haven't take the time to read up on this. This is where your family is embarrassed about you and now they treat you differently. I had the luxury of my mother telling her brother because she needed someone to talk to. He was a deacon of a church and what he did was call my other uncle and cousins and stated that I was had aids and that I was dying . When he was confronted he claimed that he wanted my uncle to pray for me. If you are a deacon at a church why didn't you pray for me? Any way needless to say one uncle is dead and the other is losing his mind and the one that is dead son died of aids. I am not glorifying their deaths but what I am saying is that no one know when we are going to die. This is a pact that we have made with god when we where born so when our time comes it is our time. But we cannot assume that because someone has an illness that they are going to day. We just need to learn how to be thankful for the ability to live in the moment plain and simple.

2 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The chlorine in the water kills the virus

23 de octubre de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It is not transmitted in that fashion and with all the chemicals in a pool it would be killed instantly even if there was an issue. People really need to get educated about the virus.

12 de julio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

No the clorine is there for a reason... not only HIV.

30 de enero de 2020

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