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Comer Alimentos Y Tomar Medicamentos.

Eating Food And Taking Medication.

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Edmore, MI

Bien, esta podría ser una continuación de la última pregunta que publiqué sobre la exposición al sol. Pero haré una publicación diferente. Como tengo esto en mente ahora (porque ACABA DE HACERLO), tenía otra pregunta sobre cómo tomar su medicamento
Muchas de las pastillas contra el VIH deben tomarse con alimentos. ¿Qué pasa si estás en una posición en la que no puedes comer pero debes tomar tu pastilla? ¿Tomas tu pastilla sin comer? ¿Encuentras un bocado rápido para comer en algún lugar o de… leer más

Ok so this could be a continuum of the last question I posted about sun exposure. But I will just make a different post. Since this is on my mind now (because I JUST DID IT), I had another question about how to take your medication
A lot of the HIV pills you must take with food. What if you are in a position to where you can't eat but must take your pill? Do you take your pill without eating? Do you find a quick bite to eat somewhere or somehow
I had an early supper and ate heavy. Now that it… read more

26 de julio de 2019
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

As an "old" hand & (worn out) experienced individual on this subject I have found what best works for me.
Key Word "what works for me"
A light snack 20- 30 minutes before taking meds usually works.
Now on some medications it gives you a warning about NOT eating grapefruit; Heed the warning! You Will get quite ill.

31 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Right now my medication does not require food but I take it with dinner anyway - it can't hurt! But in the past it was a real problem especially when working or travelling. I used to take a medication which had to be refrigerated and I was travelling by car (6 times) across the U.S. But I try to be consistent and have it down to a science now. At my work, which is a school, I eat lunch with my colleagues and just nonchalantly take my pills and supplements. I really don't care what anyone might think. My energy and level of activity plus hard work defy the fact that anything is even wrong with me! That has been my formula!

27 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Just take the pills, on time, with or without food - don't make life difficult for yourself just take the darned pills

30 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I take my Juluca after my first few bites of dinner no matter what time I eat it. My care team says that it is good to stay close to the same time but a few hours one way of the other does not matter. Just my personal thoughts!

27 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I take Biktarvy about an hour after eating so there’s still food in my stomach. If we’ve had an earlier dinner, I’ll have a pice if bread or something small

27 de julio de 2019

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