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¿Cuál Es Tu Organización Benéfica Favorita?

What's Your Favorite Charity?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
League City, TX

Estoy buscando diferentes organizaciones benéficas para las cuales ser voluntario y me preguntaba cuáles son algunas de las personas en esta aplicación que se unirían para ayudar. Si no eres voluntario, ¿cuáles son algunos de los que harías si un día decidieras unirte y ayudar? Gracias y que tengas un buen día.

I'm looking for different charity organizations to volunteer for and was wondering what are some that folks on this app would join in helping? If you dont volunteer, what are a few that you would if you were to decide one day to join in and help? Thanks and have a blessed day!

22 de enero de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

A charity that I sort of support is the ASPCA. I am a cat breeder, exhibitor, judge (on leave of absence) and producer of cat shows. There are numerous people that run small no-kill shelter for cats (and dogs) all across the country. I say the ASPCA, but am hesitant because they receive gov't funding to put down our pets. It's their way of controlling over population. So, I would seek out local shelters, no-kill,in your area and ask them about volunteering.

Only problem, is that you fall in love with every pet that comes through and want to take everyone home........

24 de enero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

No problem. They are definitely our future. Someone did it for my sisters and I, I’m just giving back to my community

22 de enero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

That is so awesome! I know the kids and schools appreciate that. I enjoy doing anything that helps children, rather if its kids in need or kids with medical problems. They are the future and I must say that there are some smart ones! Thank you for responding!

22 de enero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It bothers me so much to see homeless people. I was homeless for a bit because of an ex, but luckily never had to sleep outside. Thank God. But it was hell finding a place to stay all the time. I did have to survive on ice cubes and
Water for two solid weeks with no food at all. I thank God for the simplest of things. Always be thankful

7 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

local emt.. i dont give anymore 1st i have to pay my bills and i dont know where the money or food is really going to

18 de marzo de 2023

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