¿Alguien tiene problemas para trabajar o encontrar trabajo ahora que es VIH positivo? ¿Hay algún trabajo en el que no podamos trabajar debido a nuestro estatus?
Lo sé, estoy buscando trabajo ahora mismo pero necesito estar cerca de un baño, lo que a veces lo hace difícil, además tengo días en los que no me siento bien.
¡Gracias por responder y que tengas un feliz día!
Does anyone have trouble working or finding a job now that you are HIV positive? Is there any job that we cannot work at due to our status?
I know for me, I'm looking for a job right now but need to stay close to a bathroom, which makes it difficult sometimes, plus I have days I dont feel well.
Thanks for answering and have a blessed day!
I’m glad I’m able to work a full time job. But my dream is to go into nursing. With my status, I wonder what am I limited to.
DRS. Have you thought of working from home? Look into VIPkids. You can teach children English from China and other countries. Just need a bachelor degree. Also look into ratracerebellion.com. They list plenty of home based jobs. Good luck to everyone.
I work in an elementary school. I’m not limited to anything but what I do struggle with is the amount of stress my job has. I’ve noticed that it has become increasingly difficult to concentrate and focus under all the pressure. I wonder if it’s a side effect of the medication or hiv itself.
Vivir con VIH puede afectar varios aspectos de la vida, incluido el empleo. Aquí hay algunos puntos clave a considerar:
- Divulgación: No está obligado legalmente a revelar su estado serológico respecto del VIH a su empleador a menos que afecte directamente su desempeño laboral o necesite adaptaciones razonables
- Mostrar respuesta completa
Living with HIV can impact various aspects of life, including employment. Here are some key points to consider:
- Disclosure: You are not legally required to disclose your HIV status to your employer unless it directly affects your job performance or you need reasonable accommodations
- Rights: People with HIV are Show Full Answer
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