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¿Su Estatus Ha Afectado En Algo Su Visión De Su Futuro?

Has Your Status Affected Your View Of Your Future At All?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Edmore, MI
29 de febrero de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

It was a shock... The shock of my life! I had no idea... None... I never felt anything... All I felt was very tired, but we were going thru with some things at work and with other activities that I was involved with... I decided to upgrade my life insurance.... The rest is history! When I was told, by the state, that I my blood work had turned a positive answer, I felt like I was falling thru an elevator shaft and I couldn't stop... I remember yelling and trying to grab to the sides, but I kept on falling... However, I didn't make any noise nor did I move my arms... The next thing I remember was the health department lady asking me if I was ok...No, lady... You just told me I am HIV positive and you think I am ok? No, I am not!!! I I left her office with a mandate... Get an ID doctor by next week or WE wil find one for you and compel you to go. She handed me a business card for an ID doctor.. She made another appointment for the following week... I was so busy that week, that I couldn't stop and feel sorry for myself.. I don't know how I got to work... Autopilot? That night I had retirement dinner for a coworker that was moving out west. How did I manage? I don't know... Came home about 1.30 and actually got scared! Me...Me... HIV+... WOW... My life is over.. I am done... This is the end... But, I can see I have been one of the lucky ones... I have a fantastic ID doctor... She is great... Her staff is as great as she is and haven't had any secondary effects to any of the meds... few years later...And here I am... Hope to stay many more! By the way, the black jeans I was wearing went I went to see the health dept lady, I still have and every time I wear them I remember that crazy day!

20 de marzo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

When I found out that I was HIV+, I was devastated. I thought it was the end of the world for me because I wasn’t educated. Now, living with HIV has been a struggle, especially trying to date people. because you don’t want to build a relationship with someone and then have to tell them your status.. fear of rejection.. etc. I’m not even comfortable enough to tell people, not even my own family because the next thing you know, I’m getting talked about, As you can see, I don’t even have a profile picture on here..

2 de marzo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Not at all I take one day at a time and live life like it's GOLDEN 💕

29 de febrero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam For me, because I was so sick and so close to dying that when the ID doctor did the HIV test and I was found to have AIDS. Of course because I could not say if I wanted treatment or if I did not want treatment. My family was at my bedside most of the day while I was in the ICU. The doctors had a meeting with my family and had to tell them that I had AIDS and my oldest brother had to sign a form so that they could treat me. Normally I know that this would not happen if we are healthy enough to make our own decision. Once I got healthier and out of the hospital, my family still was always there for me no matter what. I think that at least 50% to maybe as much as 75% of us when we find out we have HIV or AIDS, its our family who will lead support. Sure my family had to learn as much as they could along with myself so that they knew how to deal with it plus still give support. To me, if a family turns you away because you have HIV or AIDS, then they are the ones who need to learn about HIV to find out that they can not get it from us just by hanging around us, and that is what some families need to do even more. Glad that you do have your family and friends who are there for you for support. And yes, we all need to take everything just one day at a time. Worry about today for we surely are not promised a tomorrow.

5 de marzo de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have a very good support group from family n friends and I take one day at a time and enjoy being healthy and staying active and glad to be alive . HIV is long gone from being a death sentence .

5 de marzo de 2020

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