Mascarilla Y/o Protectores Faciales
Face Mask And/or Face Shields
¿Cuántos de ustedes usan realmente una mascarilla, un protector facial o ambos cuando ingresan a lugares con público?
How many of you actually wear a face mask, a face shield or both when you enter places with the public?
As you see here, even if everyone wore a mask, you still have a 1.5% chance of getting covid. Mask AND distance is they key.
As for me if I'm going to be in close contact with other I wear my face mask until I get back to my car
Always wear one
Always in public places. My niece made me a Charlie Brown face mask.
I have to wear them cause I had Double Pneumonia in 2018 and I have COPD as well
Nuevas Infecciones Por VIH Después De Tratamientos Faciales De Vampiros En Un Spa Sin Licencia
¿Cómo Va Tu Día?
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