¿Crees Que Es Necesario Decirle A Una Posible Pareja Sexual Que Eres Indetectable?
Do You Think It’s Necessary To Tell A Potential Sexual Partner That You Are Undetectable?
Si eres indetectable, ¿por qué?
If youre undetectable, why?
What if you don't disclose..and you're partner doesn't either..and he's positive but not in treatment and has a different strain of the virus than you. I myself would always disclose...and play safe
It's a matter of conscience and or state law. Maybe not so much with grinder hookups, but how would you get around it if sex partner turners into permanent partner? How would you tell them after the fact about your status?
Even if it’s not a requirement by your state, you really should. I think its your own morality that’ll help others see and hear you. honesty is a sexy trait!
I live in Canada and it is a legal requirement.
Depends on your state law. My state says I’m not required. But it’s posted on all the social sites I’m on.
Acepté Mi Destino, Pero Ya No Es Gran Cosa. ¿Ahora Que?
¿Alguien Más Se Siente Culpable Por Estar Vivo Después De Ver Pasar A Tantos?
¿El Sexo Y Hacer El Amor Significan Lo Mismo Para Ti? Si No, ¿cuál Extrañas Más Y Por Qué?