¿Te Gustan Los Mariscos?
Do You Enjoy Seafood?
Los mariscos siempre se han considerado una buena fuente de proteínas. Algunos médicos han declarado que los mariscos en particular tienen altos niveles de mercurio y no son buenos para las personas inmunodeprimidas con VIH.
¿Qué marisco te gusta?
Seafood has always been considered a good source of protein. Some doctors have stated that shellfish in particular , has high levels of mercury, and is not good for immune suppressed persons with HIV.
What Seafood do you enjoy?
I didn't know that bout seafood or the flu shot wow I love my seafood though and I'm not giving it up
Fish, shrimp, crab , I don't like hush puppies but I love sushi
I’m careful about choosing seafood. Ocean Fish mostly… I stay away from farm raised, there’s ‘something’ I’m not sure about with it.
I know, you might say “Fish is boring” but a quick look on a recipe site might inspire you to try new things for preparing standard food. Like fish.
Thanks amador for sharing good to know have an awesome day
Well I eat shrimp and crabs but I love whole belly clams.. Didn't get any this summer because the place I wanted to eat at always had a line around the corner. I refused to eat them at any old place. Needless to say I will be making my seafood chowder which consists of clams, shrimp and cod fish.. Yummy just the weather for it.
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