¿Qué Es Lo Que Le Ha Resultado Más Preocupante Desde Que Le Diagnosticaron?
What Is One Thing That You Found Most Troubling Since Being Diagnosed?
¿Con qué tipo de cosas ha estado luchando desde que le diagnosticaron?
What’s types of things have you struggling with since you were diagnosed?
Revelar mi estatus a familiares y seres queridos. Era como si fuera un trozo de muerte. Especialmente en relaciones potencialmente románticas.
Revealing my status to family and loved ones. It was as if a slice of death. Especially in potentially romantic relationships.
Mental health and acceptance. When I told my family my status, they immediately wanted nothing to do with me. My mother even went so far as to get on a plan to pre-pay for a burial plot and casket for me. I told them my status in 1992 when I found out. Anyway, since then, my mental health has suffered, so trying to work on that, but it's hard since resources are so limited.
Taking more meds. I really hate taking meds😒
El mundo no es tan empático como creía
The world is not as empathetic as I believed
¿El Tratamiento Inyectable Actúa Sobre Los Riñones O Tiene Efectos A Largo Plazo Sobre Los Riñones O El Organismo En General?
Est-ce Que Somes Ou Sures Parmi Vous Parlent Le Français.......... ¿Alguno De Ustedes Habla O Entiende Francés?
¿Cuánto Cuesta El Tratamiento Para No Residentes En Miami?